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  3. Shifts and Schedules

Shifts and Schedules

Being a courier is a very flexible job, and you are in charge of scheduling your availability. To help you, we’ve created a guide to answer any questions you may have about the procedures.

When to give your availability

Every week, go to the Scoober app and enter your availability for the next week. You can do this up to many months in advance.

The minimum amount of time in a shift is 2 hours, and the maximum (without a break) is 5.5 hours. For shifts longer than 5.5 hours, you will automatically be assigned a break.

For us to consider your schedule, you must give your availability every Tuesday before 23:59. That is when all schedules for the week are programmed, and if you don’t give your availability, we will plan them according to your contracted minimum hours. Don’t forget to enter your availability!

You must give your availability for at least 2 Sundays per month.

How to give your availability

In the Scoober app, go to “Shift Planning” in the main menu. There, select the “+” icon in the upper right corner of the screen and enter the days and times you are available. Once you click “Sign up,” you will have given your availability. Our planner will then assign your shifts, and you can see them published in the Scoober app every Thursday.

Make sure to give as much availability as possible.

You will be able to see an overview of your shifts in the Shift Planning from Friday onward.

You can give your availability as many weeks ahead as you like, there is no limit! Just make sure that you always check your given availability before Tuesday at 23:59 for the upcoming week.

Updated on March 8, 2022

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